Mysticons Wiki

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Mysticons Wiki

Hi Guys, it's me Luren2.0. I want to make an announcement of "Mysticons: The Movie". I have been editing it for a long time. The reason why I want to tell you guys because I needed helpers to edit the page. If you want to join to be the helper of "Mysticons: The Movie", then feel free to contact me any time.

There's a short story that involed the movie:

Moviejunkie2009 contact Sean Jara on twitter, if you were just wondering. But if you have a twitter account, than feel free to contact him about the movie or give him the link when your using twitter for both things. The short story is just about when heros came back to life. there will be songs there but, if you want to add bravery songs to the page, than feel free to do it on "Mysticons: Ages of Lives.

If the link of "Mysticons: Ages of Lives" doen't work, than just search it up on Fanon wiki on your way see the page of the movie.

The reason why I made this blog, is because I wanted the whole comminity to know that the movie is coming. Make sure you  click on the link and read or edit it if you like. 

You can vote in "Mysticons: The Movie"and on "Mysticons: Ages of Lives" if you want it to happend or not.

Have fun reading and editing the movie 😃