Mysticons Wiki

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Mysticons Wiki

Hi I’m emerald knight and welcome to my blog and today I’m going to be showing you of the mysticons having a movie and I know you haven’t seen any episode of mysticons and I know you missed this show and I worked on a petition for the mysticons and help support the mysticons petition and we need all your support mysticons fans and we need everyone help to support please sign this petition and send it to your friends and send this petition to everyone to sign and work on help the creators of mysticons and we need to get a lot of numbers to help out and we can get mysticons season 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 to countinue on and I know we need to help out so please have a heart and help support this petition I need everyone help to support the mysticons fans and we are not going to let it end please help support the mysticons what does everyone think about do you want to sign or send it to everyone to sign click the link on the bottom and send it to everyone to sign

This is emerald knight sign out
