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Mysticons Wiki

"Quicker than a Flicker."

Typhoportation (a spatial-based ability, meaning to "teleport via smoke") is the special ability of Willa, the purple, bat-winged imp and dark counterpart of the Mysticon elf Piper. She encases herself or her fellow allies in a cloud of deep purple smoke, which enables her to teleport over short or long distances by calling out "Quicker than a Flicker".

Episodes when Used[]

Typhoportation used in Printed Media[]

Graphic Novels[]

  • Volume TBA (first use)
  • Volume
  • Volume
  • Volume

Chapter Books[]

  • TBA (first use)
  • TBA


  • Had the Codex further magnified Piper's Striker abilities one hundred times, she may have had this space-related ability; capable of teleporting in a flash of yellow pixie dust as opposed to purple smoke.