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Twinkly Mare is menioned by Doug in The Mysticon Kid. He asks the Mysticons to get him one from the Magi Mall. He says it was just released that day. A spacial edition.

When Em asks about it, the other Astromancer brings up a picture of a pointy eared ginger playing with one with a yellow one with purple hair. The theme song plays:

She's got sparkly hair

And so much flare

Her heart's filled with care

She's got a saddle to wear

So if you dare

Why not buy a pair?

And fall in love with Twinkly Mare?

It ends showing another person plating with the mare. The original ginger has switched to playing with a blue one with pink hair.


Season One[]

Season Two[]


  • Twilight Sparkle resembles this name. She is a mare, her nickname "Twily" is similarly spelled, and "sparkle" and "twinkle" are synonyms: Zarya acknowledges this by calling it a "sparkly horse".
  • Another toy of the Twinkly show is Twinkly Dragon, debuted in "Save the Date!"

Graphic Novels[]

  • Kymraw is shown to sleep in a bed with Twinkly Mares on the coverlet and pajamas.

Chapter Books[]

  • Emerald is known to have a collection of Twinkly Mares, which she allows Choko to play with while she and the others were away on their training exercises at Shivermist Mountain.