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The Spectral Hand's Lair was the base of operation of the evil organization led by Necrafa, the vile lich Queen of the Undead, and was overtaken by Dreadbane in place "his queen" for the next thousand years.

It was eventually destroyed by Nova Terron and several of his top-level Astromancer pupils who had summoned a meteor shower via a rare star alignment.


Season One[]

Season Two[]

Season Three[]

Appearances in Printed Media[]

Chapter Books[]

  • TBA

Graphic Novels[]

  • TBA

About the Spectral Hand's Lair[]

Season One[]

  • "We'll just creep into that creep's evil lair and get everything back."
  • "I like your plan, Piper, but we have no idea where Dreadbane's lair is."
  • "You're not going anywhere, Kitty. Just tell us where Dreadbane's lair is."
  • "Malvaron, I saw something in Dreadbane's lair."

Season Two[]

  • "Two annoying twins in one fell swoop. Back to the lair!"
  • "Let's hit Necrafa's lair and save Proxima."
  • "Necrafa's lair is gonna be swarming with specters."

Season Three[]

  • "She has locked herself in Necrafa's lair and is resisting."
  • "She booby trapped the entire lair. And she ruined my designer robe."
  • "In two hours we destroy the lair with meteors."
  • "The evil within must be annihilated while the proper stars are in alignment."
  • "If you don't come out, Nova T's gonna destroy the lair, with all of us in it!"