"Then I discovered the ruins; dark and diabolical they were. And as I gasped me last breath, I begged to the ruins-pleaded for revenge- and some sort of ancient magic heard me."
- Captain Kaos, explaining the purpose of the Ruins to his captives
The Ruins is a rocky spire that contains various runes and symbols of those associated with evil magic; such as the emblem of the Spectral Hand and Queen Necrafa herself. It resides on a mysterious and strong island, where Captain Kaos was marooned on by a younger Zarya and Kitty for three long years.
As the parrot captain gasped his last breath, the ruins magic had heard his desperate pleas for it to spare him and desire for revenge. It seems to require the spirits and souls of living beings to further strengthen its own magic for some dark purpose.
An incantation seems to required to activate a fraction of its full dark power:
Shrine of darkness in this hour
I call upon your ancient power
Come forth from the depths
Arise, arise!
And claim these souls as your prize
Mallory had cast this to further benefit the beast of the Spectral Hand:
Ancient ruins of this enchanted aisle
Let's conquer this realm
Let's do it in style
Season One[]
- Mutiny Most Fowl (first appearance)
Season Two[]
- Fear the Spectral Hand
- Age of Dragons (final appearance)
Magical Properties[]
- Life-Draining Tentacles: They emit several tentacles of a red, hard substance that are strong enough to restrain the Pink Skulls' sky ship from a distance. They can severed by The sword of Mysticon Knight.
- Life-Force & Spirit Absorption: Absorbing the spirits of innocent creatures seems to further fuel its dark power by sucking them into a vortex of pure evilness.