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Mysticons Wiki
The Royal Palace
Vital statistics
Type Home to the royal family of Gemina
Level Unknown
Location In the very heart of Drake City.
Inhabitants Formerly:
  • King Lorius the Glorious (deceased)
  • Queen Goodfey's First Husband (deceased)

Current Inhabitants:

The Royal Palace is home to the royal family of the magical, mystical world of Gemina. It is in the very center of Drake City. It is where Arkayna lives with her mother, Queen Goodfey, her selfish and arrogant stepson Gawayne, and King Darius, and Goodfey's second husband.

It is also where Zarya Moonwolf, the youngest of the fraternal Princess Twins of Gemina, was born but was immediately taken away and raised in a pixie orphanage, in the realm of the Fey, for the first two years of her infancy until she was adopted by the Moonwolf family, who had loving raised her as their own daughter until she was captured, at the age of twelve, by the ruthless Captain Kaos.

Only three places appear along with it throughout the show:


Season One[]

Season Two[]

Royal Palace in Printed Media[]


Chapter Books[]


  • It is where the fourth and final spellbook of the Codex was hidden. At the top of the tower, Emerald obtained her dark pink-colored mystical Unicorn Bracer and light purple-colored spellbook in Episode Ten.
  • Its most important chamber is the Treasury Room, where the almighty Dragon Disk has resided for one thousand years, alongside statues of the original Mysticons.
  • It has a balcony and pool, where Princess Arkayna, Emerald, Piper and Zarya had first battled Dreadbane, right after they were chosen as the second generation of Mysticons by the ancient Dragon Disk; the gorgon reporter Serena Snakecharmer excitedly comments on this in "A Girl and Her Gumlump" when interviewing acting King Gawayne.
  • It is later revealed to be not only the birthplace and home to Crown Princess Arkayna, but to Zarya as well; being her biological twin sister, and Queen Goodfey's youngest twin daughter.