Mysticons Trailer - Coming August 2017
The Mysticons are four legendary warriors tasked with defending the mystical, magical realm of Gemina and it main city, Drake City from varied strong forces of evil, with their unique mystical powers and weaponry. Due to the Codex being drained dry, the new Mysticons never got the chance for their abilities to further develop and greatly increase one hundredfold nor their respective weaponry given any upgrades/modifications.
Their symbol is a lotus flower, which is their mystical belt-buckle that allows them to transform from their normal attire to their Mysticon uniforms , and the dot on the I.
Original Mysticons[]
There used to be a set of four Mysticons—two teenage girls and two teenage boys—who lived one thousand years ago but are no longer active. The complete details surrounding their inactivity is unknown other than Imani Firewing, the very first Dragon Mage,had ultimately sacrificed her own life in a final standoff against Necrafa and then-human General Dreadbane.
Statues of them stand in the middle of the Royal Treasury in which also the Dragon Disk rested for centuries, and the Hill of Heroes.
- Imani Firewing as the scepter-wielding, telekinetic Mysticon Dragon Mage
- Unknown Human Boy as the arrow-firing Mysticon Ranger
- Unknown Elf Girl as the acrobatic, fairy-like Mysticon Striker
- Unknown Dwarf Boy as the sword/shield-wielding Mysticon Knight
For a time, good friend of Imani's (a tactical dwarf girl by the mane of Adakite Flowstone) self-appointed herself as the fifth Mysticon as the fiery dagger-wielding "Mysticon Rogue" until she double-crossed her good friends to Queen Necrafa, an act that led her millennium-long imprisonment in the Chillwaste world.
Second Mysticons[]
The second generation of legendary heroes, chosen by the Dragon Disk, are the human Princess Arkayna Goodfey as the second Mysticon Dragon Mage, dwarven Royal Griffin Wrangler Emerald Goldenbraid as the second Mysticon Knight, and street urchins, the human Zarya Moonwolf and elven Piper Willowbrook as the second Mysticons Ranger and Striker, respectively.

Second generation of Mysticons, one millennia later.
Their first major objective is to track down and regather together the Codex mystical tome, long ago broken into four spellbooks and scattered across the Realm for safety. Each part will imbue one of the Mysticons with the power of one of the thirteen animals of the star signs of Gemina:
- Mysticon Dragon Mage wields the great power of the Bright Green Dragon
- Mysticon Ranger wields the great power of the Light Blue Wolf
- Mysticon Striker wields the great power of the Bright Yellow Phoenix
- Mysticon Knight wields the great power of the Bright Pink/Magenta Unicorn
These animal totems are also reflected in the shape of their face-paint markings.
About the Mysticons[]
Original Mysticons (One Millennia Ago)[]
Season One[]
- "Yes, Mysticon. It is over."
- "The noble Dragon Mage. If you can't even handle my general, how do you expect to defeat me?"
- "Has to do with the Mysticons."
- "After the first Mysticons fell, defeating Necrafa, the Disk became dormant."
- "I fought your forebears in the days of yore."
- "These are griffins from the royal stables, descended from the original Mysticons' fleet."
- "I'll destroy them before the very eyes of their sacred heroes."
- "You brought us here to show us the original Mysticons?"
- "The Mysticons are no more. They perished fighting me."
- "It's Imani Firewing, the first Dragon Mage!!"
- "The Mysticons. You are proving to be even more annoying than your predecessors."
- "When we're through, you're gonna wish the original Mysticons had destroyed you!!"
- "I bet Imani Firing never had to deal with an annoying stepbrother."
Season Two[]
- "Moonlight reflected from the eye of an ancient hero."
Second Generation of Mysticons[]
Season One[]
- "New Mysticons? I fought your forebears in the days of yore. So I we can handle a couple of girls."
- "No, Mysticons. It has just begun."
- "We're Mysticons. Wow."
- "Look, Mommy, Mysticons."
- "These 'Mysticons' gave the Dragon Disk to that mage."
- "I will have my revenge, Mysticons!!"
- "So, these are the new Mysticons."
- "What are your names?"
- "You have hope of protecting Drake City from what's to come."
- "They're all yours, my liege."
- "You are nothing Mysticons. You are curs, you are whelps, you are the dirt beneath my boot."
- "Your target is...the Mysticons?"
- "You were hunting the Mysticons this whole time?"
- "Tazma tried to trick you into destroying my friends who are also Mysticons."
- "I thought I recognized those costumes."
- "New Mysticons, how exciting. You have so many adventures ahead of you, like the time you find a baby dragon."
- "Do the Mysticons rock?"
- "Yeah, they rock. They're strong, stylish defenders of good. Love you, Dragon Mage."
- "Mysticon Ranger rules!!"
- "This is where the Mysticons first battled Dreadbane!"
- "Why is everyone so obsessed with the Mysticons!?"
- "Because they're heroes?"
- "I can tell you how to make the Mysticons look like fools."
- "If the Mysticons don't hand over remaining Codex pieces within the hour, I will divert the rest of the meteor shower."
- "Where are you, Mysticons?"
- "Let's give the Mysticons another minute."
- "You ruined everything!"
- "You break into my lair, steal my Codex piece, my Dragon Disk!!! Curse you, Mysticons!! Curse your bones!!"
- "They're actually doing it! They're uniting the Codex."
- "Excellent work, Mysticons. Despite all the trouble you been, you performed your duties admirably."
- "The stars will not look kindly on this, Mysticons."
- "Let's capture those Mysticons."
- "What if I told you I could help you defeat the Mysticons?"
- "The Codex has chosen new Mysticons."
- "New Mysticons?"
- "These are the new Mysticons? They are mere children."
- "I will destroy you, Mysticons!!"
- "You lose, Mysticons."
- "You may have won this day, but your time in this world is limited. I will not rest until you are wiped from the face of the realm."
- "I will be fine, once the Mysticons are brought to justice."
- "We're the Mysticons."
- "You know: Legendary heroes, defenders of good."
- "The Mysticons may have to call it quits-icons.As the Astromancers wonder whether Gemina's heroes need to hang up their capes."
- "The Mysticons have performed many noble deeds, from activating the Dragon Disk, to unifying the Codex. But these are overshadowed by their crimes. Like breaking into the Astromancer Academy, willfully attacking us, unleashing a scourge of monsters, and calling the release of Necrafa."
- "We have no choice but to declare the Mysticons outlaws, and offer a reward for their capture."
- "There's even a hotline to call if you spot them."
- "I'd like to report a Mysticon sighting."
- "Spare us your lies, Mysticons. The only threat to Drake City is you."
- "One more gem and the Mysticons will be powerless to stop me."
- "The Mysticons will trouble you no further."
- "That's all I get for handling the outlaws!?"
- "Necrafa wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you!! You had your chance, Mysticons, but your time is over."
- "Five gold? That's all I get for handling the outlaws?"
- "If we move quickly, we can catch them coming out of the sewers."
- "Looking for the Mysticons? Those evil rogues went that a-way."
- "We will make those vigilantes pay."
- "Mysticons."
- "I knew you were a hero."
- "You want the Mysticons?"
- "We'll always be their Mysticons."
- "In light of public opinion, we decided to withdraw your status as outlaws. But that doesn't excuse your reckless and disobedient behavior."
- "What? The Mysticons?"
- "I will stop them!!"
- "Excellent work, Mysticons."
- "The Mysticons must be in the caves by now!!"
- "A little something to welcome the Mysticons."
- "The others can't find the orphanage without me."
- "We're the Mysticons on an official Mysticon quest."
- "The Mysticons found out the identity of my twin."
- "Is this the Mysticons' secret lair?"
- "They're really big on getting their hero sleep."
- "The Mysticons!"
- "Hello, we're the Mysticons."
- "I hired the Mysticons, yo."
- "And this one goes out to the Mysticons!!"
- (quickly)"I got sent back to a time before we had magic powers!! And I had to find the Dragon Disk, so we could become heroes all over again!"
- (to himself)"May the star of Gygax guide you on your quests, Mysticons."
- " are a Mysticon?"
- "So the Dragon Mage is the Princess."
- "They came to rescue her."
Season Two[]
- "Tell...the Mysticons."
- "I will have revenge on the Mysticons."
- "An apple a day keeps the Mysticons away."
- "Soon not even the Mysticons will escape my influence."
- "You can use this scepter to order the Mysticons to drop their weapons. To render them...powerless."
- "Yes, the Mysticons defeated us but never again. Not wit this."
- "What's up, Mysticons?"
- "Not if we capture the Mysticons and prove our worth or whatever."
- "They don't stand a chance against us during the eclipse."
- "Lure the Mysticons to their hextag: Doom."
- "Are you done yet?"
- "We brought you party favors."
- (slightly shocked) "The Mysticons."
- "Arrange the Mysticons around the gem. Once the eclipse reaches its peak, the energy of the dark star will reflect through the gem and drain your powers permanently!!"
- "Or we could just take 'em out now or whatever."
- "They ruined my life. It's only fair I get to ruin theirs!! Say bye to your powers, Mysticons!!"
- "Get them!!"
- "They foiled me again!!"
- "How am I supposed to destroy the Mysticons when I'm surrounded by such fools!!?"
- "Couldn't we use the dirt in your diary against those do-gooders?"
- "Yes! I can use their own flaws against them."
- "Myst-icons! Myst-icons!!"
- "It's the Mysticons!!"
- "We meet again, Mysticons."
- "Thank you, Mysticons."
Narration of the Series Finale[]
- "But our quest isn't over."
- "Me and my sisters are on the new adventures, new quests."
- "To bring peace, love and justice to the realm."

The four ORIGINAL preproduction Mysticons when the show was aimed at boys
- Originally the Mysticons was to be targeted for young boys and the title characters were a quartet of boys. However, at some point, it was decided to shift the demographic to target young girls instead and the characters redesigned to be all girls.
- Their dark and far much stronger counterparts of are the Vexicons.
- The second generation Mysticons are similar in character to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (Arkayna/Leonardo; Zarya/Raphael; Piper/Michelangelo; Emerald/Donatello)