"The Mysticon Kid" is the fourth episode of Mysticons. The episode premiered on August 31, 2017 on both Nickelodeon in the United States and YTV in Canada.
Piper gets fed up with being treated like a child, but when Kymraw shows up at the Magi Mall, Piper must save the day. Especially when the second piece of the Codex reveals itself to the enemy.
- Princess Arkayna Goodfey
- Zarya Moonwolf
- Piper Willowbrook
- Emerald Goldenbraid
- Barnabas Dinglelott (debut)
- General Dreadbane
- Tazma Grimm
- Choko
- Twinkly Mare (first appearance)
- Malvaron Grimm
- Kymraw
- Orcs
- Dark Pegsai (first appearance)
- Drake City
- The Stronghold
- Magi Mall (first appearance)
Powerful Artifacts of Great Power[]
- Dragon Mage Staff
- Ranger Bow and Arrows
- Striker Energy Hoops
- Knight Star Sword
- Dreadbane's Sword
- Phoenix Bracer (first appearance and use)
In the Episode[]
- Piper receives her pale brown book of Codex spells, as well as her animal symbol of mystical power of the yellow Phoenix. Its attack is Fly, Phoenix, Fly!
- As of this episode, two pieces of the all-powerful Codex have now been found, leaving only two more remaining; Zarya's and Emerald's.
- The undead can, naturally, run forever; not being truly alive or dead.
- A drink loved by Zarya and Piper is called a "slush gulpie" like a smoothie on Earth.
- As of this episode, two spellbooks of the Codex and bracers have been recovered by the second generation of Mysticons.
Outside the Episode[]
- This episode proves that Piper has always had a zero attention span. As the title refers to her childish nature, despite her longevity and slowed aging capabilities.
- Emerald: "Can someone explain why the Dragon Disk is trying to kill us?"
- Malvaron: "It was just testing you."
- Zarya: "In a kill-y kind of way."
- Malvaron: "And look, now you get a map and a riddle leading you to the next piece of the Codex."
- Zarya: "You're a hero now. Act like one."
- Piper: "Hmm."
- Kymraw: "Kymraw have info about Codex. You want make deal?"
- Kymraw: "Kymraw lead you to Mysticons!! Kymraw want her reward!!"
- Dreadbane: "Fine! Here."
- Kymraw: "Twinkly Mare!"
- Dreadbane: "You're overthinking the riddle!!"
- Tazma: "You're under-thinking it."
- Princess Arkayna: "Piper and Em are still out there."
- Zarya: Great. Our lives are in the hands of a pint-sized dwarf, and an elf with a zero attention span."
- Tazma: "They're all yours, my Liege."
- Dreadbane: "You are nothing, Mysticons. You are curs, you are whelps, you are the dirt between my boot."
- Piper: "Hmm!!"
- Piper: "Ha!! I got my Codex piece! Let's celebrate!! Fly, Phoenix, Fly!!"