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"The Last Dragon" is the thirty-second episode of Mysticons, and the twelve episode of the second season.

It aired at 8:00 am on May 19, 2018, alongside "Game of Phones" at 8:30 am.



The Mysticons stumble upon a dragon egg in the sewers and vow to protect it. But Arkayna and Zarya have their own ideas of what defending such a creature would really mean. Zarya once again showing she can be wise when truly needed to be.






Mystical Weaponry[]

Magical Objects[]


In the Episode[]

  • "The Clawdette" makes her debut and final appearance, despite saying she would see the Mysticons "til next time." 
  • Geraldine Yaga's prediction, that the Mysticons would find a baby dragon, has come to pass.
  • Zarya expresses her sympathy and understanding about being an orphan with no living blood relatives left, but shows no such empathy towards Proxima Starfall whatsoever.
  • The Panhandler ,who had assisted Piper into accepting her destiny as the second Mysticon Striker, makes his final appearance as he reveals his true form and name: Valmuk himself, the long-lost King of the Dragons of Light

Outside the Episode[]


  • Zarya: "Actually, we're going to find her family."
  • Emerald: "Dragonhenge, the ancestral meeting place of dragons."
  • Zarya: "There's a magical horn there that ancient dragons used to-"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Summon one another from around the realm. Yeah, I know."
  • Zarya: "Well if you knew, why didn't you say anything?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Here, and cover her ears, please."
  • Piper: "We can't hear you! We can't hear you!!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "If you had read the rest of this, you'd know that Dragonhenge is where the final battle happened. Thousands of dragons fell there. All you'll find are the bones of Stormy's ancestors."


  • Princess Arkayna: "ZARYA!!"
  • Piper: "Did Zarya put toothpaste in your boots again/ Wait, that was me."
  • Princess Arkayna: "She took Stormy."
  • Emerald: "And I know exactly where she's going: Dragonhenge."
  • Princess Arkayna: "We have to stop her!!"
  • Piper: "Ah, minty freshness."


  • Zarya: "I wasn't asking your permission."
  • Emerald: "Okay, let's just cool our forges for a sec."
  • Piper: "Yeah. Why are acting all demento pants?"
  • Zarya: "Because Stormy's an orphan, and I know what that's like. And so should you. After what happened to your parents? Our parents."
  • Princess Arkayna: "You're right. We do this."


  • Zarya: "Don't do this!! She's the last dragon!"
  • Clawdette: "Not my concern, Ranger."
  • Zarya: "Get a conscience, you monster."
  • Clawdette: "I'm not a monster!! I'm just trying to close the contract."


  • Clawdette: "Wakey, wakey, Mysticon Ranger."
  • Zarya: What...what happened?"
  • Clawdette: "I think I'm gonna work on that conscience thing you mentioned."
  • Zarya: "What about your contract with the King?"


  • Panhandler: "I will care for her."
  • Zarya: "Uh, no offense, but what do you know about taking of a-?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Valmalk- the Dragon King."
  • King Valmulk: "Thank for you taking care of my young one. Know that you have a friend in the Dragons of Light. Come along, Stormy."
  • Princess Arkayna: "We'll miss you."

