Starfire Ink is mystic-infused ink that seems to possess unusually powerful mystical properties. It resides within the legendary Library of the Eternal Equinox, in which all of the strongest spells of all types of high-powered magics of the entire cosmoverse, and is coveted by a thoroughly heartbroken and rightfully embittered Proxima Starfall, who intends to use it for her own purposes to enact her personal bitter vengeance against the Mysticons for deceiving her, and the people of the whole entire realm for abandoning her; especially Princess Arkayna Goodfey who had promised to love her regardless of not being biologically related, only to obviously disregard the orphan mage's renewed feelings of betrayal, misery and loneliness entirely.
It was first in "Happily Never After" for Proxima to effectively create her Dark Codex by using specialized starlight from the Fountain of Light.
Magical Properties[]
It used to successfully create a dark version of the Codex, now powerless, from which Proxima calls forth four, dark warriors from its evil pages.
About Starfire Ink[]
- "With starfire ink from the Library of the Eternal Equinox."
- "She wants to steal the starfire ink."
- "And how, pray tell, would they steal the ink if the Fountain of Light isn't even on?"
- "Once I get the ink, I can make everything right!!"
- "You don't need the ink!!"
- "No! The starfire ink!!"
- "The ink is mine!!"
- "When Proxima came here to steal the starfire ink-"
- In "All Hail Necrafa!", Malvaron had asked Doug to prepare the magic ink, which was required for him and Arkayna to draw the magic runes for the spell to restore the stone forms of Queen Goodfey and King Darius to living flesh and blood.