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"Starcrossed Sisters" is the twenty-second episode of Mysticons, airing on Saturday morning on January 20, 2018 on Nicktoons.


Desperate to get to know her twin, Princess Arkayna defies the Astromancers and has a hesitant Proxima accompany her on "sister fun time" throughout Drake City, during which the twins begin to bond. Meanwhile, Tazma enacts her grudge against Kymraw for double-crossing her all those months ago.






Magical Weaponry[]

Objects of Great Mystical Power[]


In the Episode[]

  • To achieve monsters to play the hit card game Beastie Blasters, one must find and capture such creatures in their cellphone.
  • Tazma and Queen Necrafa learn the identity of the long-lost youngest Princess Twin of Gemina. However, they fail in capturing both her and Princess Arkayna.
  • Proxima expresses her sorrow and jealousy at never knowing "her mother", Queen Goodfey.
  • This is the second appearance of Tazma and Malvaron's aunt Yaga; her first name is revealed to be Geraldine, who happened to be the ex-girlfriend and longtime starmate of Nova Terron. The "old flame" he was referring to earlier.
  • Piper jokingly calls the conjoined Princess Twins of Gemina "Prox-ayna" due to their predicament of being fused together as conjoined twins.
  • In frustration, Princess Arkayna wishes that Proxima was not her twin sister due to being a goody-two-shoes, a wish that came true in "Twin Stars Unite" and "The Dragon's Rage."

Outside the Episode[]


  • Princess Arkayna: "This is the worst. I can't go shopping without a security detail!? And when can I see my sister!?"
  • Nova Terron: "That is strictly forbidden. Necrafa seeks to unite the twins. If she captures the two of you-"
  • Princess Arkayna (bored): "Prophecy, doom and destruction. I know."
  • Zarya: "Relax, Chief. You and the robes keep an eye on Proxima. We'll take care of the Princess."
  • Nova Terron: "Be sure you do, Mysticon Ranger. Be sure you do."


  • Emerald: "Hey. Are you okay?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Em, I'll be fine. You can go. Have fun with the others."
  • Emerald: "It's my sworn duty to protect you. I'm a knight. But I'm also your friend, so talk to me."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Proxima is my sister, Em. I just wanna spend some time with her, ya know."
  • Emerald: "Hey, I get it. You must have a million questions."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Try a gazillion. That's why I need to see her. Now."
  • Emerald: "I'm sorry, Arkayna. I can't let you go. Nova Terron is right: You two have to be apart."
  • Princess Arkayna: "I know, but it's just not fair."
  • Emerald: "Bring it in. Bear-bug hug!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Thanks for being so understanding. I just hope you can be as understanding about this."
  • Emerald: "What?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Sorry, Em! It-It should wear off in a few hours! I just have to see my sister."


  • Tazma: "The Eye of Cycopia is all-seeing. Now we just wait for the Princess to make contact with her twin."
  • Queen Necrafa: "Excellent work, Mage."


  • Proxima:

"Dear Reflection Log,

I have a long-lost sister! Explanation point. Any hope of a reunion between us may put the realm in peril. I have mixed feelings here. Quill switch to red ink for "mixed feelings." Firstly, she's a spoiled princess. What could we ever have in common? Secondly-"

  • Princess Arkayna: "Is that color-coded quill? I've got one just like it."
  • Proxima: "Princess Arkayna!!? Uh, the academy insists on our separation."
  • Princess Arkayna: "The same academy that's been lying to us our whole lives? Look, I just want to get to know you, okay? Aren't you even a little curious about me?"
  • Proxima: "You dispense ink, not opinions. Very well, one hour. No longer. We tell no one and we never do this again."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Perfect. Now let's get out of here before your guards notice."


  • Proxima: "The twin stars of Samara! When I was just a starling at the Academy, I was obsessed with them."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Me too! My mom and I used to stargaze all the time."
  • Proxima: "What was our mother like?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Oh my goblin, that's right! Well, she was-- is-- brave, strong, and smart as the whip of a dragon's tail."
  • Proxima: "She was an amazing queen."
  • Princess Arkayna: "She was an amazing mom. She'd read me fairy tales, make elvenberry pancakes. She taught to ride my first griffin, and-"
  • Proxima: "I thank you, Princess Arkayna, but unfortunately, our time is up."
  • Princess Arkayna: "What? No, you can't go! Not yet!"
  • Proxima: "What is this?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "A gift."
  • Proxima: "Oh, no, as an Astromancer, I cannot accept-"
  • Princess Arkayna: "As my sister, you can. Now, aim it! But don't cross it with mine. Think of, Scabbard Square, in the Undercity."
  • Proxima: "Teleportation bracelets?!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Exactly! Now we can meet wherever we want! Cool, huh?"
  • Proxima: "No, no, not cool! We've exposed ourselves to significant danger!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Whoa, we're perfectly safe."


  • Proxima: "We did it! We made it in one piece!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Literally! I told you not to cross the beams!"
  • Proxima: "Oh, please! I'm taking us to Nova Terron!"
  • Princess Arkayna [Grunting-]: "No! We can fix it ourselves!"
  • Proxima: "Nonsense! Stop... FIGHTING!!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Fine! Go ahead! Tell your Star Master what you did. How you SNUCK OFF against his orders!!"
  • Proxima: "Why are you trying to ruin my life?!!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Ruin it? If anything, I was just trying to make it better!"
  • Proxima: "Oh! Because, you're the Princess, and I'm the lowly orphan mage?!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "No, no! That's- that's not what I meant."
  • Proxima: "Let's just get to the Academy. The sooner we find some magic to separate us, the better!"


  • Proxima: "Is the blindfold really necessary?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Shhh! Keep it down."
  • Proxima [Gasping-]: "Is this the Mysticons' secret lair?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Yes but they're really big on getting their hero sleep, so no more talking, okay? What the-? Where is the Codex?"
  • Zarya: "Lookin' for this?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Hey, guys. 'Sup?"
  • Emerald [Shocked-]: "Oh my goblin, Arkayna!"
  • Zarya [in surprise]: "Proxima?"
  • Piper [Gasping-]: "Prox-anya!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "I am so sorry. I know I messed up, but... I-I just wanted to see my sister, and I bought teleportation bracelets, and things went really bad and then..."
  • Malvaron: "You thought the Codex could undo all this?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Uh, maybe?"
  • Malvaron [Sighing-]: "I wish it could, but Necrafa drained this thing."
  • Proxima: "So there's nothing we can do?"
  • Malvaron: "Us, no. But I know someone who can."


  • Malvaron [Sighing-]: "Could you have made it any easier for Necrafa to nab both of you?"
  • Proxima: "Once we're detached, I'm informing Nova Terron of your bad behavior."
  • Princess Arkayna (sarcastic): "Ah, meet my long-lost twin: the realm's biggest tattletale!"
  • Proxima: "At least I'm not an entitled princess."
  • Princess Arkayna: "You wanna see entitled?"
  • Emerald: "Okay, break it up!"
  • Zarya: "Ha! Are you kidding? This is totally going on the ethereal net."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Oh, I wish you weren't my twin, you little goody-two-shoes!!"


  • Proxima: "This whole situation is one big cosmic disaster!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Oh, here we go again!! Blame the entitled princess!"
  • Proxima: "Arkayna-"
  • Princess Arkayna:"And just so you know: It's not like I chose this life! You need to get over the jealously thing already."
  • Proxima: "Arkayna, I'm not jealous that you're a princess. I'm jealous... you got her!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Oh. I miss her so much."
  • Proxima: "I have missed her my whole life."


  • Princess Arkayna: "Weird. These two don't usually play well together."
  • Proxima: "Purple eyes, purple talisman. Perhaps some form of mind control?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Couldn't agree more, Sis! Take out that talisman!!"
  • Tazma: "Fools!! You try to thwart my queen's destiny?! The prophecy is nigh!"
  • Zarya: "Prophecy, schmophecy. Okay, girls. Time to Howl and all that jazz."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Now's your chance!! Nice shot."


  • Princess Arkayna: "We're sorry, Star Master."
  • Proxima: "We understand that we must be kept apart. For the good of all."
  • Nova Terron: "Believe me, I wish there was another way. But alas, the council believes it would be safer if you travel to another realm."


  • Geraldine: "Fate Master 888, love the beard."
  • Nova Terron: "Geraldine."
  • Malavaron: "You two know each other?"
  • Geraldine: "We met on Mage Match. He broke up with me because I had 'anger issues.'"
  • Nova Terron: "What?! You broke up with me because I was emotionally unavailable."
  • Piper: "Bleh! Gross! Sorry to interrupt the eyeball kissing, but, ah, could you fix our friends?"
  • Geraldine: "Oh, yes, of course."
  • Malavaron: "Nice one, Auntie Yaga."


  • Proxima: "That was quite the adventure. It will make for a strong diary entry."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Do you still have mixed feelings about me?"
  • Proxima: "More than ever." [She and Arkayna hug.]
  • Piper: "Family reunions always make me cry."
  • Zarya: "Reunions? They just got separated."
  • Piper: "Don't ruin the moment!"
  • Geraldine: "Come, Proxima. Your ride awaits."
  • Princess Arkayna: "See ya soon... Sis."
  • Geraldine: "You're gonna love Earth. They have the most magical substance in the cosmoverse. They call it, 'frozen yogurt'."

