Star Signs are Gemina's versions of the astrological animal signs, twelve Zodiac signs and birthstones of each twelve months of planet Earth. Unlike the people of Earth- who keep track of their birthdays by year of their Zodiac animal and astrological sign- Gemians keep track of they stardays via a month of an animal, of which there are thirteen as opposed to twelve.
Hortensia Sparklebottom uses variously colored birth gems of dozens of orphaned infants she protectively looks after by putting them in a safe in the floor; each set in different animals.
Both mystical bracers belonging to the Mysticons and Vexicons are all based on each animal:
About Star Signs and Birth Gems[]
- "Pretty symbols."
- "Those are the star signs of Gemina."
- "Thirteen signs, thirteen keys."
- "I was born on the tenth day of the month of the dragon."
- "There! That's your twin's birth gem."
- "Just this birth gem you stole isn't mine!!?"
- "Please we need that gem for the sake of the realm!!"
- "You'll never get the gem!!"
- "If any happens to this, you'll never find her."
- "The birth gems aren't the only place I keep information."