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Mysticons Wiki

Spectromancers are, in fact, all of the strongest and most skilled top-level Astromancers easily overpowered by a vengefully ruthless and dejected Proxima Starfall, who demonstrated more of her greater and darker Astromancer magic by using their own star orbs against them and turning them back onto them all; an ability that turned all into her mindless, masked minions, to follow her orders she walks on her new path of vengeance:

Their next order is to use the ancient starfire ink to enable Proxima to create her very own Codex of evil magic, which is a darker and more powerful version of its counterpart, which is now completely powerless, due to Necrafa draining it dry of its magic.

They appear to assisting their "Queen and Star Mistress" to carry out a master plan for her to enact her full revenge against the Mysticons, from outside the Star Chamber. Three of them were later ordered to attack the Mysticons and stop them from escaping, but were stopped due to Citrine Goldenbraid firing several orbs at them, providing a smoke screen.


Physical Appearance[]

They wear their top-level designer robes, but have their faces concealed by a pale brown mask.

Magical Abilities[]

Dark Star Magic: As their supremely powerful star magics have become corrupted with far much stronger and darker star magic, their own magical abilities and spells, too, have turned evil.


  • What other purposes Proxima made they do remains a mystery, as the creators did not make enough episodes.

About Spectromancers[]

  • "Kneel before me, Spectromancers."
  • "She turned everyone into faceless creepers."
  • "Spectromancers, attack!!"
  • "Attack, Spectromancers!!"
  • "I know you were under the Mask's evil influence, but did you have to turn all of the Astromancers evil?"