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"Sisters in Arms" is the series premiere of Mysticons which premiered August 28, 2017 on both Nickelodeon in the United States and YTV in Canada.



In a mystical world called Gemina, the ancient legendary Dragon Disk brings together four teenage girls from very different backgrounds and bestows upon them magical powers and weaponry to defend the world from the return of the Spectral Hand's fallen leader, Queen Necrafa of the Undead, who was defeated by the original four Mysticons one millennium ago.


After "appropriating" food from a merchant's warehouse to give to other street kids, Zarya Moonwolf and Piper Willowbrook are forced by a Dark Mage to retrieve the Dragon Disk from the Royal Tower in order to free their pet Choko.

Meanwhile General Baron Dreadbane, the undead general of the Queen Necrafa Skeleton Army launches an attack on the Royal Tower to also steal the Disk.

After a poor training session performance for the royal heirs, Prince Gawayne and his stepsister Princess Arkayna Goodfey, Queen Goodfey shows them the Dragon Disk in an expository attempt to impress upon them the importance of their training. After Gawayne, who had constantly been "glyphing" on his magical "cellphone", left for a date with a cute pixie or harpy, the disk began to glow and vibrate. Leaving to assemble the strongest of most ancient Astromancers, Zarya and Piper, disguised as royal guards, make off with the mighty Dragon Disk.

At the same moment, Dreadbane and his skeleton army attack the palace, turning King Darius and Queen Goodfey into solid statues of bone; a horrific act that Princess Arkayna actually witnessed along with Emerald Goldenbraid and middle-level/spellslinger Astromancer Malvaron Grimm. While trying to make their escape, the trio run into Zarya and Piper.

Spotting the Dragon Disk in Zarya's belt-pack, the redheaded Princess attacks them thinking they are Dreadbane's minions. Scrambling for the mystical gold Disk, Princess Arkayna, Zarya, Piper, and Emerald all touch it at the same time, fully awakening it and respectively are transformed into the second generation of legendary Mysticons: the staff-wielding leader Mysticon Dragon Mage, master archer Mysticon Ranger, hoop-throwing Mysticon Striker, and sword-and-shield-wielding Mysticon Knight.

Once empowered, they push back the skeleton army and Dreadbane, who declares this is merely the beginning. He flies off on his spectral vulture and calls out "Long live Necrafa!!"

Immediately, Zarya and Piper dash away with the Disk as they still need to get Choko back. However, the Dark Mage reneged on the deal, taking the Disk and ready to tie up loose ends by killing the powered-down Zarya and Piper, but is thwarted by the arrival of the second Mysticons Dragon Mage and Knight, forcing the Dark Mage to mystically teleport away. She later finds out that the Disk she had taken was but a mere copy and vows vengeance.

Having recovered the genuine Dragon Disk, an uneasy alliance between the quartet is made as Malvaron explains that even darker times are coming to Drake City which will affect everyone from the royal family, to street kids, so the four need to set aside their differences and resolve to be the heroes they were chosen to be for whatever reason the Dragon Disk gave.

As a result of their parents being turned into bone statues, Prince Gawayne is crowned Acting King, which completely frustrates his stepsister to no end.

Characters' Debut[]



First Appearance of Series Elements[]

Locations on Gemina[]

Objects of Immense Magical Power[]

Mystical Weaponry[]


In the Episode[]

  • The show is set one thousand years later before the primary evil- the Spectral Hand- was supposedly exterminated by the original four Mysticons- Imani Firewing and the unnamed male human Mysticon Ranger, elfin female Striker and male dwarven Knight-who had perished young.
  • The present royal family of the world have been tasked with safeguarding the ancient and mighty Dragon Disk until the second generation of Mysticons was chosen. As such, it was kept inside the Royal Treasury, next to bone statues of the very first four Mysticons (two human teenagers, one male and one female, a female elf and male dwarf), as a reminder of their heroic deeds against Queen Necrafa of the Undead.
  • On this world, Queen Goodfey and King Darius' petrification is called "being turned to bone" as opposed to stone or any other solid substance.

Outside the Episode[]

  • Not much is explained about the realm, but it appears to be what would result if magical fantasy realms developed into the 21st Century and growing into a Manhattan-like city complete with skyscrapers. There exists a level of fusion of technology and magic.
  • Modernistic wheeled vehicles fly while retro-looking trains speed along hanging from wires. "Glyphing" on yet-detailed devices takes the place of texting.
  • It is unexplained if Gemina is an an actual planet or an inter-dimensional, parallel world only accessible via portals.
  • Queen Goodfey's first name is never revealed nor what became of her late first husband.


  • The Mage: "Interested now? You will retrieve the Dragon Disk from the royal tower."
  • Zarya: "You're crazier than a crooked kraken. That's impossible."
  • The Mage: "I trust you'll find a way around that technicality for the sake of your fury little friend."
  • Piper: "That is not a very nice person. What's a Dragon Disk anyway?"
  • Zarya: "It's an old artifact. Has to do with the Mysticons."
  • Piper: "Mystic-a-who now?"
  • Zarya: "Exactly."


  • Emerald: "Nice flying, Your Highness!"
  • Queen Goodfey: "Try to take this seriously, Arkayna."
  • King Darius: "Looking good, Gawayne! And just a suggestion, you might wanna ease up on the glyphing and flying."
  • Prince Gawayne: "Yeah, whatever, Dad. Everyone's multitasking."


  • Queen Goodfey: "After the first Mysticons fell defeating Necrafa, the Disk became dormant."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Not this again."
  • Queen Goodfey: "Generations of our family guarded it, kept it safe from evil. For she who controls the Dragon Disk controls- This isn't a joke, Arkayna!! And Emerald, shame on you."
  • Emerald: "I'm sorry, Your Highness."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Mom, I was just playing around. I get it. We have to protect the Dragon Disk."
  • Queen Goodfey: "Will you? Because from what I saw, I'm not so sure."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Stupid Mysticons. Mom, what's happening?"
  • Queen Goodfey: "The Disk! It's... activated! I must summon the Astromancers. They'll know what to do. Now do you understand the importance of all of this? No one is enter the Vault!"


  • Malvaron: "Sorry I'm late! Get down!! Whoa!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Whoa! Thanks. I'm Princess Arkayna."
  • Malvaron: "I'm one of the ancient morons. Name's Malvaron."
  • Queen Goodfey (Offscreen): "Hold the line!!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "MOM!!"


  • Queen Goodfey (Gasping): "Dreadbane!! You're alive!!"
  • Dreadbane: "Not so much alive as undead. Unlock the treasury."
  • King Darius: "You'll never get the Dragon Disk."
  • Queen Goodfey: "DARIUS!! NOOO!!"
  • Dreadbane: "The Disk, Queen Goodfey."
  • Queen Goodfey: "NEVER!!"
  • Dreadbane: "Fine. Bring me the Princess."
  • Queen Goodfey: "NO!! KEEP HER OUT OF THIS!!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Mom!"
  • Malvaron: "Dreadbane."
  • Queen Goodfey: "Run, Arkayna!! RUN!!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "MOM!! No. No! NOO!!


  • Princess Arkayna: "I need to go back!"
  • 'Malvaron: '"We need to get the Dragon Disk!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Who are you?!"
  • Zarya: "I don't have to tell you anything, Your Highness."
  • Princess Arkayna (Gasping): "The Disk!! They're with Dreadbane!!"
  • Piper: "What's a Dreadbane?"
  • Emerald: "Good for nothing thieves!!"
  • Piper: "We're not thieves!!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "You coulda fooled me!!"

"Arkayna Goodfey, you are Mysticon Dragon Mage.

Zarya Moonwolf, you are Mysticon Ranger.

Piper Willowbrook, you are Mysticon Striker.

Emerald Goldenbraid, you are Mysticon Knight.

  • Malavaron: "Now I feel under-dressed."
  • Dreadbane: "WHAT?! This can't be! New Mysticons?! I fought your forebearers in days of yore, so I think we can handle a couple of girls."
  • Zarya: "Days of yore'? Who speaks like that?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Where's the Dragon Disk!?"
  • Dreadbane (Laughing): "The Disk is mine. Finish them!"


  • Emerald: 'Born of magic, and of light-"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Dragon Mage, Ranger, Striker and Knight. We're Mysticons. Whoa."
  • Zarya: "And we're out of here."
  • Piper (Giggling): "Bye-bye!"


  • Princess Arkayna: "I'm sorry, Mom. I failed you."
  • Emerald: "There's nothing you could have done."
  • Princess Arkayna: "I could have trained harder. I could have been ready. I just wish there was something I could do to bring them back, to find the Disk."
  • Malvaron: "There is."


  • Piper: "Why do people keep calling us thieves?!
  • Princess Arkayna: "Because you are!!"
  • Emerald: "You stole the Dragon Disk!"
  • Piper: "Now... I'm... ANGRY!!!"
  • Zarya: "You wanna judge someone, Princess? Look in the mirror! How'd you find us, anyways?"
  • Malvaron: "Tracking spell. Sorry. Wasn't ready to trust you quite yet."
  • Princess Arkayna: "Of course we don't trust them! These 'Mysticons' gave the Dragon Disk to that mage."
  • Piper: "We did it to save Choko."
  • Princess Arkayna: "You put the whole realm in jeopardy for-for- for a foz?!"
  • Zarya: "For a friend. And the Mage didn't away with the Dragon Disk."


  • Malavaron: "Yeah? Well life has changed. Big Time. For some reason the Dragon Disk chose you to be Mysticons, so you're gonna have to learn to work together, 'cause the evil that's coming is going after everyone. From the Royal Family, to the kids on the street. So figure this out, okay?"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Fine!"
  • Zarya: "Fine!!"
  • Princess Arkayna: "Finer!!"
  • Zarya: Finest!!
  • Piper: "Infineity!!"
  • Malvaron: "The realm is doomed."


  • Gawayne: "Stepsister, did you hear the news? Since Mom and Dad got turned to bone, I get to be king! Isn't that awesome?! I'm King!"
  • Emerald: "Go ahead. Let it out."
  • Princess Arkayna: "NOOOO!!"

