Scabbard Square is the main hangout in the center of the Undercity. It is where orphan elf Piper Willowbrook and the human girl Zarya Moonwolf,who had thought she was a fellow orphan, had grown up in. It is where famous "Snorg Balls" and "Slush Gulpies" are made by Snechnikess. Its main power source is where the whole city gets its electrical power from.
Its name is first mentioned by Princess Arkayna, in Episode 22.
Season One[]
- An Eye for an Eye (first appearance)
- Scourge of the Seven Skies
- Lost and Found
- The Astromancer Job
- A Girl and Her Gumlump
- Skies of Fire
Season Two[]
- Star-Crossed Sisters
- The Edge of Two Morrows (in an alternate reality)
- Save the Date!
- The Lost Scepter
- Total Eclipse of the Golden Heart
- The Last Dragon
- The Foz Who Saved Lotus Night
- Heart of Stone
- Fear the Spectral Hand
- Age of Dragons (final appearance)
Scabbard Square in printed Media[]
- Volume 1 (first appearance)
- Volume
- Volume