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Reflection Log is the scientific word for Proxima's personal diary, as is Arkayna's. She writes her innermost thoughts, feelings and secrets in its pages with a color-coded quill. Since embracing the dark power of the Spectral Hand, she has a lock with the emblem of the Hand on the cover.

It first appeared in "Star-Crossed Sisters" when a confused and conflicted Proxima expressed her mixed feelings about having a long-lost twin sister as the Princess of Gemina.

Some time later, the Vexicons had selfishly found and unlocked it to know the secrets that their Star Mistress was hiding from them.

Known Entries[]

Dear Reflection Log,

I have a long-lost sister! Explanation point.

Any hope of a reunion between us may put the realm in peril

I have mixed feelings here

Firstly, she's a spoiled princess

What could we ever have in common?


Second Entry[]

Dear reflection Log,

I feel like such a spelldinger

My most magnificent creation has turned out to be my greatest failure

Third Entry[]

That ice witch turned out to be nothing but a hot mess

Fourth Entry[]

I hate, hate, hate Arkayna

She's nothing but a big-haired princess

And an unqualified Dragon Mage

