"Pixie Blast!"
Pixie Blast is the only special power that the acrobatic, energetic elven Mysticon Striker possesses. It is a bright yellow and is capable of dazzling its victims with blasts of fairy magic from a distance.
It is Piper's only special power as Mysticon Striker, in addition to her three boomerang-like energy hoops.
Episodes when Used[]
Season One[]
- The Mysticon Kid (first time)
- An Eye for an Eye
- Heart of Gold
- Lost and Found
- A Girl and Her Gumlump
- Clash of the Tridents
- Quest of the Vexed
- Mutiny Most Fowl
Season Two[]
- The Mask
- Save the Date!
- The Lost Scepter
- The Foz Who Saved Lotus Night
- Heart of Stone
- The Princess and the Pirate
- Monster Hunt
- Fear the Spectral Hand
- Age of Dragons (final use)
Pixie Blast in Printed Media[]
Graphic Novels[]
- Volume TBA (first time)
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
Chapter Books[]
- The Stolen Magic (first time)
- The Diamond Curse
- It is used much more frequently then the only ability of telekinesis used by Mysticon Dragon Mage.
- Her constant use of it annoys Zarya, as it always gets on her face.
- Its dark counterpart is "Doom Boom", the Vexicon ability used by the purple imp Willa.