Necrafa's Scepter is a long, skeletal scepter with a small dark red orb in its center. It possess vast dark powers which seemed to have been drained since its owner's thousand-year-old imprisonment.
It is represented in solid stone, held by the stone figure of Necrafa herself, a statue in the throne room.
Magical Properties[]
- Dark Spell-Casting: It gives her incredible abilities associated with dark magic. When her dark powers were given a considerable boost of dark power via the completed Codex book. Due to it further developing and tremendously magnifying her evil abilities one hundredfold, most of her evil energy spread across the realm of Gemina.
- Typhoportation: It had the ability to teleport via a red vortex of dark red energy.
- Portal/Vortex Creation: This seems to be the source of her long-distance teleporting abilities.
- Levitation: By restraining her victims in a rope of red energy, she can levitate them off the ground.
- Transmutation: With its recently magnified dark power, from having drained the Codex of its own immense magical energies, she transformed her entire army of skeletons into spectral creatures with bat-like wings similar to her own.
This seems to have been made from the Spectral Hand itself, as with the golden staff wielded by Proxima once she donned the remaining half of the Mask.
Season One[]
- Sisters in Arms (first appearance; stone form)
- Scourge of the Seven Skies (statue)
- The Astromancer Job (flashback)
- Skies of Fire (statue)
- All Hail Necrafa! )
- The Dome (first use)
- Gems of the Past
- Through My Enemy's Eyes
- The Prophecy Unleashed
Season Two[]
- Three Mysticons and a Baby
- The Edge of Two Morrows
- Twin Stars Unite
- The Dragon's Rage
- Fear the Spectral Hand (flashback; final appearance)
Necrafa's Necklace in Printed Media[]
Chapter Books[]
- The Secret of the Fifth Mysticon (first appearance)
Graphic Novels[]
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Proxima's scepter of great evil magics share similarities to it.
About Necrafa's Necklace[]
- "When she go that blasted by Imani, the four gems from her necklace scattered."
- "Shoulda put that gem in your necklace."