Mysticon Dragon Mage is the brave and commanding leader of each generation of legendary Mysticons:
- Imani Firewing- The very first Dragon Mage who had had courageously led the original four Mysticons one thousand years ago, against Queen Necrafa, human "General Bane" (a good Sky Lancer who was later corrupted by the Spectral Hand's ancient, dark powers) and her undead skeleton army.
- Princess Arkayna Goodfey - Chosen as Imani's successor, one millennia later.
The magical weapon she wields is the mystical Dragon Mage Staff, signifying her role as leader. Her one and only special Mysticon ability is telekinesis and several others that have yet to be seen. in the graphic novels.
- Arkayna being the redheaded leader of the second generation of Mysticons is quite similar to Will Vandom, another redhead, who has also chosen to be leader of the second generation of Guardians of the Veil, from the .W.I.T.C.H. comics and animated series.
- The tiara is revealed to larger and heavier than the one Princess Arkayna wears in her civilian attire as Princess of the realm of Gemina.
About Mysticon Dragon Mage[]
Season One[]
One Millennia Ago[]
- "Yes, Mysticon, it is over."
- "The noble Dragon Mage. If you can't even handled my general, how do you expect to defeat me?"
In the Present[]
- "You are Mysticon Dragon Mage."
- "I give you the Dragon Mage, ladies and gentleman."
- "We love you, Dragon Mage!!"
- "I hate that Dragon Mage. She's worse than my stepsister."
- "Mysticon Dragon Mage!!"
- "I'm shaking in my boots, Mage."
- "Fly, Dragon Mage, fly!!"
- "Silence, young Dragon Mage!!"
- "Got you, you insolent Dragon Mage!!"
- "The Dragon Mage has the Codex!!"
- "There! The Dragon Mage."
- "You are the Mysticon Dragon Mage, defender of the realm."
- "Necrafa, meet the Dragon Mage. Dragon Mage, meet your doom."
- "Love you, Dragon Mage."
- "It's Imani Firewing, the first Dragon Mage!"
- "Empty threats, Dragon Mage."
- "Good work, Dragon Mage. You were on fire."
- "Take your best shot, Dragon Mage."
- "Dragon Mage, look out!!"
- "Dragon Mage!!"
- Stand down, Mage."
- "Excellent, Dragon Mage."
- "So long, Dragon Mage!!"
- "With all due respect, why should we trust you?"
- "The fate of the realm lies in your hands, Dragon Mage."
- "So the Dragon Mage is the Princess."
Season Two[]
- "Very good, Dragon Mage."
- "By the power of the Codex, Mysticon Dragon Mage!!"
- "Exactly, Dragon Mage!!"
- "Good effort, Dragon Mage."
- "But you're the Dragon Mage!"
- "I don't feel like the Dragon Mage."
- "If anyone can handle a baby dragon, the Dragon Mage can."
- "She's nothing but a pigheaded princess, and unqualified Dragon Mage."
- "Don't dis the hair, Dragon Mage."
- "Farewell, Dragon Mage."
- "Forgive me, Dragon Mage."
About Mysticon Dragon Mage in Printed Media[]
Chapter Books[]
- "Thank you, Madame Dragon Mage."
- "Your welcome...Dragon Mage. I'm so proud of you."
- "Are you sure, Dragon Mage?"
- "I say we go for it. Dragon Mage?"
- "Sorry, Princess. The Dragon Mage is right."
- "