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Mr. and Mrs. Moonwolf were the caring adopted parents of Zarya who had decided to adopt her from Mrs. Sparklebottom's fairy orphanage and had loving raised her as their own daughter for several years in a remote village. Unfortunately, their home was invaded by the vicious Captain Kaos who had taken twelve-year-old Zarya from them and presumably left them for dead.

Their fates are unknown, but Zarya has a memento of "her mother", a gold pendent with a forest-green gemstone. In Episode Eighteen, Zarya expressed to her good friend Kitty that she missed them dearly. Kitty confronted her, saying that she now had the pendant to remember them by.

Mr. and Mrs Moonwolf in Printed Media[]

Graphic Novels[]

  • Volume (debuts)
  • Volume
  • Volume
  • Volume
  • Volume
  • Volume


  • Their first names and appearances have not yet been revealed.
  • They last name may be inspired from the episode "Moon of the Wolf" of the 1990s Batman: The Animated Series
  • It was they who had given the youngest princess twin of Gemina the name "Zarya", completely unaware of her royal heritage.
  • Their fate is unknown, though it is implied that they have perished at some point after Zarya was taken from them, at the age of eleven or twelve, by Captain Kaos.

About Mr. and Mrs. Moonwolf[]

  • "No! That pendant is all I have left from my mom."
  • "I miss my mom and dad."
  • "I miss my folks, too. But, at least you have that to remember them by."