Malachite Goldenbraid is (called "Em's Dad" by Piper, and "Dad" by his daughter and young fraternal twin sons). He first name is revealed to be Malachite by his wile Citirine.
He is the only father, biological or adopted, of a Mysticon to appear in the TV show, comic and chapter books.
Malachite is somewhat stoic, quiet and hard-working. According to his daughter, he is not a "big conversationalist" and speaks little to guests. However, he does have pride and strong devotion to his family and fellow dwarfs, as he refused to put any of them in danger when Dreadbane had captured him to force him to reveal the location of the sacred Heart of Gold innermost caverns.
He is a natural architect and engineer, capable of forging complex dwarven machinery and how to disable drills containing the rare element of solarite.
Season One[]
- Heart of Gold (debut appearance)
- All Hail Necrafa! (cameo)
Season Two[]
- Heart of Stone
- Fear the Spectral Hand (cameo)
- Age of Dragons (final appearance; cameos)
Malachite in Printed Media[]
Graphic Novels[]
- Volume (first appearance)
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- As a dwarf, he is prejudiced towards sentient rock-and-stone beings, namely golems like Eartha; the Vexicon counterpart of his daughter's Mysticon identity.
- In the English dubbed of the first season of Sailor Moon, the warrior Kunzite was renamed Malachite.
- He is voiced by Neil Crone who also voiced by Diesel 10
Graphic Novels[]
- He is referenced in Volume 2, whose "perfectly fine" mechanical skills Felix Castle think are inferior due to being a dwarf.
About Malachite Goldenbraid[]
Season One[]
- "Hey, Em's dad."
- "Wasn't that wonderful, Malachite? He's not a fan of the rap."
- "We're in the presence of royalty, Dear."
- "I was so excited for my big city friends to see the hometown where I grew up. But now I see how my dad is more embarrassed of me."
- "I'm sure he's not. Talk to him."
- "My dad's not exactly a conversationalist."
- "Em and her dad used to be so close. It broke his heart when she left to go to the city."
- "Where's my dad?!!"
- "DAD!!"
- "I'm comin', Dad."
- "Hey, Dad."
Season Two[]
- "Malachite and the boys are off spelunking."
- "My dad taught me a lot of what I know."
- "I'm sure he's a perfectly fine mechanic, for a dwarf."