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"We and the Jellyfey are descended from two m

er-sisters, who swam the oceans thousands of years ago 'til one was corrupted by evil."

"It warped her, turning her into a Jellyfey."

"Our two tribes have been mortal enemies ever since."

- Queen Truefin and Kelpie explain about the nature of the Jellyfey to the Mysticons.

Jellyfey are a tribe of malevolent sea creatures who dwell under the seas of Gemina. They are the lifelong sworn enemies of the Mer-Knights of the Silver Trident.

Their first and final appearance is in Episode 27, which some consider to be the premiere of the third and final season.

Jellyfey in Printed Media[]

Graphic Novels[]

  • Volume


  • Aquatic Adaption: Being creatures of the seas, they are capable of breathing water.
  • Tentacles: They use these sticky appendages to ensnare and electrify their prey from a distance.
  • Electricity Generation: They can emit very powerful and large amounts of whitish electricity/lightning from their two upper tentacles.


  • They are all female and are the only sea creatures to be entirely consumed with pure evil.
  • Piper thinks they are pretty.