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Mysticons Wiki
Dreadbane's Sword
Vital statistics
Type Large Sword
Effects *Emit a barrage of crystal fragments
  • Emit bone projectiles
  • Magic Energy Deflection
  • Enhanced Slashing
  • Enhanced Cutting
Source Unknown
Cost to buy Unknown
Cost to sell Unknown

Dreadbane's Sword was his one and only magic-imbued weapon both in his days as a noble Sky Lance, as "General Reginald Bane" and as the undead skeleton-knight "Dreadbane."

It is quite strong, able to injure several opponents from a short distance with one swing and projects a barrage of solid bone fragments that can slice through flesh and stone.

As General Bane was originally a good and brave Sky Lancer, who fought for Gemina willingly for many years, this magical sword may even have belonged to ancient Sky Lancers before becoming corrupted with evil magic from Queen Necrafa.


Season One[]

Season Two[]

Dreadbane's Sword in Printed Media[]

Chapter Books[]

Graphic Novels[]

  • Volume
  • Volume
  • Volume
  • Volume
  • Volume
  • Volume


  • It is the second magical sword used in the show, in addition to Mysticon Knight's flame-shaped Star Sword.
  • In the series finale, it is revealed to have remained in the caverns of the Heart of Gold since its wielder's attack on it. However, he was seen to use another bladed weapon in "Through My Enemy's Eyes and "The Dragon's Rage".