Dragon Mounts are the new and much stronger mounts of the second generation of Mysticons that seemed to have replaced the griffin Izzie, Archer, Miss Paisley and Topaz, regardless of their never-ending devotion and allegiance to their respective riders.
Each dragon is from the dozens of yellow dragon eggs that were hidden deep within an invisible cavern of Dragonhenge for thousands of years. This had shielded the next generation of mighty and majestic Dragons of Light from being exterminated by the original Spectral Dragon.
From being thrown through a portal into the mystical Ever Realm, they instantly matured into adulthood in mere seconds, due to time itself being further accelerated there.
Their one and only appearance in the 2D animated TV show is Episode 40.
Each dragon is colored with the signature color of the Mysticons:
- Pale Green for Princess Arkayna Goodfey
- Pale Blue for Zarya Moonwolf
- Pale Orange for Piper Willowbrook
- Pale Purple for Emerald Goldenbraid
However, their snouts make them look less dragon-like.
Dragon Mounts in Printed Media[]
Graphic Novels[]
- Volume TBA (debuts)
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
- Volume
Chapter Books[]
- TBA (first appearances)
Mystical Abilities and Attributes[]
Dragon Physiology: As the strongest creatures in the whole realm of Gemina, each Dragon of Light possesses the following natural abilities and attributes:
- Atmospheric Adaptation
- Decelerated Aging or Semi-Immortality
- Dermal Armor/Scale Manifestation
- Enhanced Condition
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Endurance
- Enhanced Intelligence
- Enhanced Strength
- Enhanced Senses
- Night Vision
- Enhanced Roar
- Fear Masking/Fearlessness
- Winged Flight
- Fire Healing
- Light Healing
Natural Weaponry
- Enhanced Bite: They sharp fangs can slash through rock, metal and energy with ease.
- Prehensile Tail: They strong tail is capable of slicing through steel with ease.
- Prehensile Tongue
- Multilingualism
- Thermal Resistance
- They are to appear in the graphic novels and chapter books (original adventures books) that take place after the animated show's conclusion.