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Crystal Ice Staff is the Vexicon weapon leader Mallory, the evil counterpart of Princess Arkayna. Like the mystical, green Dragon Mage Staff wielded by the second Mysticon Dragon Mage, this staff possess very strong evil magic; as the Dragon Staff possess fire-based magic, Mallory's staff contains ice/snow/frost-based magic.

Because of its snowy properties, earned Mallory the nickname "Frosty."

Magical Properties[]

  • Ice Magic: As the mystical, green Dragon Mage Staff possesses fire/flame/heat-based magics, this staff of dark magic contains power over pure ice and snow, frost and hail, sleet and cold. Mallory emits quite strong blasts of icy energy that can leave extensive damage and knock victims out cold from a distance.
  • Snow Magic/Frigiokinesis: At one point, she made a light snowfall, although this could be due to her snow/frost-based abilities being further developed and magnified greatly by the half of the evil mask she wore. She even was capable of creating a very strong blizzard.
  • Cryokinetic Shield Generation: It can create strong force-fields out of solid ice, and encase her enemies in solid ice cubes and orbs.
  • Cold Manipulation & Control: As such, this staff can raise cold temperatures to absolute zero.
  • Dark Spell-Casting: In "Game of Phones", Mallory has cast a spell from its deep blue-colored jagged crystal which had trapped Zarya inside her the video game she was addicted to:

Spells cast by Mallory[]

Evil magic swirl and eddy

Hex this phone

Do it already


Crystal Ice Staff in Printed Media[]

Graphic Novels[]

  • Volume (debut appearance)
  • Volume
  • Volume
  • Volume
  • Volume

Chapter Books[]

  • TBA (first appearance)
  • TBA
  • TBA

