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Mysticons Wiki

Barnabas Dingleknot is minor supporting character of Mysticons. He is voiced by Paul Soles.


Season One[]

Season Two[]


  • He is called a "noble goblin" by Em.
  • After retiring from being a security guard, he went entertaining the populace by showing them holographic stories of the final showdown between Necrafa and Imani, one millennia ago.
  • He is quite a storyteller, as he narrated the holiday tale of the events of "The Foz Who Saved Lotus Night" to a small group of foz.


Season One[]

  • "I'm a mall cop, not a hero."
  • "That's when everything went kbloo-y and Necrafa was no more."
  • "I'm your host Barnabas Dinkleott."
  • "Kids today. So busy looking at himself that he can't see the wonder of adventure around him."
  • "After retiring, I took a job as a Minotaur guide."
  • "I saw Necrafa. She used her powers to pull two thingamajigs out of the ground."
  • "I didn't get a good look."
  • "I quit. It's all you, Buddy."

Season Two[]

  • "Wonderful. Here is a tale of mystery, friendship and fun."
  • "Oh, didn't you were back."
  • (narrating) "Instead of punishing Deeva, the Mysticons decided to show her the wonders of Lotus Night. How it was a time for forgiveness, a time for family. And even Kymraw discovered that taking joy was as much fun as spreading it."
  • "Consume."

